Monday 12 November 2007

November 2007

November seems to be hectic. Melvyn is as busy as ever. He still doesn't understand the word "part-time" and I'm doing lots of supply teaching at school. The extra money is great, but we are counting down the days till our next holiday for a rest.
We went up to Yorkshire on a flying visit to see family and deliver Christmas presents and I managed to meet up with the "Ladies who lunch" from good old Keighley Girls' Grammar School days. It's lovely to catch up with all the chat. Any old school friends from way back recognise anyone in the photo?

October 2007

Before we left Florida this time we had decided to remodel the kitchen. We used a company called Home Depot which is the US equivalent of B&Q - same store lay out, same overals - and they did a good job, finishing just before it was time for us to leave. We still have to buy a new cooker (range for our American friends) and coffee maker etc. when we're over next, but the main work is done.
Some people who know our Reading kitchen might be confused by the similarity, but when you like something, why change it? Despite loving life in US, I still haven't got used to the "country kitchen" look.

Septembet 2007

Once September started we were back on a plane flying west, for a 6 week stay in Florida. It was our first long stay this year and we were both ready for it. During the holiday we visited Peru for a week, flying from Tampa to Lima and then on to Cusco and finally Machu Picchu. Originally we'd wanted to walk the Inca Trail, but the doctors weren't happy about it after Melvyn's heart operation last year. I have to say I'm glad we didn't. I'm finally accepting that I'm not as young and fit as I'd like to be. However the train journey to Machu Picchu is well worth it and the place itself is absolutely magical. We both agreed it was one of the best places we'd seen.

August 2007

Most of August was spent in Reading. It's something to do with retiring from teaching that stops me wanting to holiday with the rest of the school population. Sarah came back from a trip to Iceland with friends. and Melvyn and I went to see Paul and Laurraine (friends from Keighley days) in Ripon. While we were in the north, we had a couple of nights in the Lake District and called in to see family on the way home.

July 2007

We spent most of this month wondering if Katy was going to move into her new flat. Complications seemed to occur each day. Finally on 27th of the month she was able to move out of Upper Belgrave Road into what seemed like an enormous two bedroomed flat a short distance away.
Other events of note were the flooding at school, afternoon tea at the Ritz with Susie and panic extra SATs marking in London.

June 2007

The first two weeks of June were exhausting for me. I was marking KS2 English SATs again and had agreed to do two weeks full time teaching. As I write this, I can see piles of marked papers waiting to be posted to schools and I am able to sleep in without fear of the alarm going off at 6:30am. So just waiting for the money which can't be bad!
Lucky for us Carole and Clem invited us to their holiday place for a short break, so I managed some "me" time after the shock of work!

May 2007

We managed to have a restful week with Bob and Hilary at their place in Crete, during which we walked the Imbros Gorge and spent a day seeing parts of Chania, we'd previously missed. The rest of our sixsome stayed in England to become grandparents. Congratulations!
Other highlights were a day trip to see my brother-in-law on his 70th birthday, Melvyn and Sarah's trip to "Porgy and Bess" and Melvyn and I saw "King Lear" in Stratford. Some of the staff at school started a scrap booking group...really an excuse for a monthly natter out of the classroom and a lovely meal.